Noosa Coast B&B
The Best Way to See
Taiwan’s Rugged Coast
Is Slowly—and on a Bike
Closer to Hualien, we stay at the Noosa Coast B&B, run by a young, cool Taiwanese couple who spent time in small-town Australia and rural India before opening this place a year ago. Perched above a sandy beach where cows traipse through in the morning, the Noosa is striking in the way its angular concrete lines frame the ocean in light and shadow. The loft suites have unique personalities: Mine is decorated with antique cameras, an old bicycle, and a leather couch, like some bohemian Tokyo pied-à-terre.
June 22, 2017
.Professional photographer
.Food & props stylist
Here's one of my favorite stay w/ @airbnb in Taiwan, the land of treasures .
@noosa_jiqi situated at Hualien county - loft w/ high ceiling glass facing the Pacific Ocean less than 200 meters away.
Impressed with the details & effort the hosts have put in building & designing each room w/ different theme. Homemade breakfast + friendly & welcoming hosts....Read more
June 12, 2017
.HK Famous Media
.Trip in Taiwan
向台灣朋友展示筆者在香港家中照片,大家都覺得嘩然,因為房價很高,空間卻很小。當筆者看到這一家花蓮海邊的Noosa 海岸行館,心想:「這可能是不少香港人一生的夢想吧。」入住了以植物為主題的雙人房。房間不是硬繃繃的工業風設計,反而是種滿粗獷而又具生氣的仙人掌、蕨類植物,房間中央是一看見就想躺下去的皮梳化,加上日出日落光線都柔和地由地板反射出獨有的質感....Read more
July 14, 2017
.HK Famous Media
.Discover Hualien
Named after the Australian beach, this minsu situated just outside Hualien city, 35.5km south on Highway 11, is easily one of the most striking properties along the coast. It boasts a distinct modern structure and style, as well as an uninterrupted view of the ocean. Owned by husband-and-wife duo Sam and Spring, there are only five rooms in this spacious hipster haven, each decorated with different themes, but all bearing a rustic elegance....Read more
Lifestyle Asia
February 21, 2017
.Famous Blogger
幾個月前無意瞥見花蓮豐濱Noosa海岸行館的照片寫真,深深被它無可比擬的絕美海景/極具個性的裝潢設計吸引,立刻決定非得眼見為憑親自體驗不可,馬上排入夢想住宿清單。裁縫師主題套房是個十足女人味的空間,大量運用了蕾絲/花邊/純白/藕紫等純潔浪漫的元素作為基底。然後再大量塗抹上繽紛多彩的色料。大不同於市場上多而又多氾濫成災的公主風套房....Read more
May 15, 2017
.Famous Media
.Internet news
每到夏天絕對不能不到東海岸一遊,位在豐濱鄉的這間Noosa 海岸行館,可是擁有媲美海島VILLA的景色,行館的房間都是海景雙人房的設計,而且從房間內就能看到美麗日出,真的是一早起床就會被美醒。有機會到這裡一定要來住一晚,感受日出在眼前的魅力。
Marie Claire 美麗佳人
Vol.41 Winter, 2018
台灣的沙灘與海,是國外旅客遊玩必去的重要景點,一年四季皆有不同的旅行樂趣。 花蓮的Noosa海岸行館,步行僅需幾分鐘立即抵達沙灘 行館裡的每一個轉角都能看間太平洋。躺在床上就能觀賞日出及星輝,如此吸引人的景館原來正如其名意思是澳洲Brisbane的Noosa沙灘。民宿主人是一對留學澳洲的夫婦,兩人回國後成立民宿因為覺得花蓮這片沙灘擁有與澳洲沙灘同樣平和與安靜,於是希望能與更多的人分享。